
St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary is the center of formation of future priests in Namibia. This new institute, as an integral part of the Universal Church, will help the Word incarnate in the particular cultural, social and political context of the nation. The integral training given here shall help them reach out to everyone as friends, brothers and sisters following the model of Jesus the Teacher, the Good Shepherd and the Liberator. 

In response to the call for the renewal of Christian life  by the Second Vatican  Council, the Church in Namibia has been awakened to her share of participation in this universal  Vision and Mission of the Church. Various steps have been taken  for this  rejuvenation of the life of the Church. One of such pioneering steps was the establishment of  St. Charles Lwanga Seminary in Windhoek by the NCBC for training the future priests of the Namibian Church.

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A Homily on the Feast of St. James by Archbishop Liborious N Nashenda OMI,

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