Our Mission & Vision

In response to the call for the renewal of Christian life by the Second Vatican Council, the Church in Namibia has been awakened to her share of participation in this universal Vision and Mission of the Church. Various steps have been taken for this rejuvenation of the life of the Church. One of such pioneering steps was the establishment of St. Charles Lwanga Seminary in Windhoek by the NCBC for training the future priests of the Namibian Church.


Self-transformation of the learners into agents of social transformation and assisting them to be catalysts of growth and change in the society and thus become the “light of the world and the salt of the earth” (Mt 5:13-14).


Primary Mission: to empower and equip Namibian Catholic Church with qualified, committed and faithful priests and spiritual leaders, well-versed in catholic doctrines and skilled in practical ministry.

Secondary Mission: to form quality leaders in the Namibian society who can guide people in varied walks of life through their philosophical and theological learning. This would mean empowering people through philosophical and theological enquiry and learning based on Catholic tradition, yet in a living and creative dialogue with other religious and cultural traditions.


Our values are nothing more and nothing less than the Gospel values of Love, Obedience, Faith, Hope, Justice, Peace, Respect, Service, Openness,Caring, Confidentiality,Accountability, Transparency, Dialogue, Efficiency, Excellence, Innovation, Integrity etc.

Our Motto

United in the Word to Shepherd

The Pillars

St. Charles Lwanga Seminary rests on the four pillars of its Vision, Mission, Values and the Motto.